Tuesday, May 26, 2009

26th May 2009

I don't know much about Mannix Flynn except that he has used brilliant colours in his election posters in Dublin city centre.

Good work Mannix. Slightly short on the policies, but good colours.

25th May 2009

Feral youth

24th May 2009

23rd May 2009

Dublin City University

22nd May 2009

Another boring work-place photo today. These are spiral-bound notebooks which I use in work.

They're an archive of past dull meetings.

Friday, May 22, 2009

21st May 2009

I spoke at a conference today and was given this rather Chappist leather encased USB key. It's funny how quickly things become so cheap that they can be given away to speakers at a fairly low-key conference. Only a year or more ago, a USB key was an expensive piece of kit.

Still, it's nice to be asked to speak and nice to be given a small token in gratitude.

20th May 2009

So, today is the 140th day of the project. Only 225 days to go.

the nights will be drawing in soon.

19th May 2009

How do they get the pea in there?

18th May 2009

Eating in Progress

17th May 2009

16th May 2009

I was told today that I'm the last person in the world who still uses Treasury Tags. I really like them and have that pleasing 1960s civil service vibe.

15th May 2009

14th May 2009

Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism (I think)
Kildare Street

13th May 2009

Useless cardboard files, which seem to buckle if they contain anything heavier than a piece of paper

12th May 2009

Red cabbage. It looks a bit like a brain.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

9th May 2009

This is as far as today's essay work got.

8th May 2009

Baggot Street

7th May 2009

I got this free. It's a solar powered rainbow-maker which you stick to a window and the sun turns cogs which turns the glass bead which casts a sort of glitter ball effect.

(Note Capability Brown-esque gardens)

6th May 2009

It's election time, so the election posters are going up. And, in a total break from tradition, the candidates have decided not to campaign on policies or issues but on their looks.

Politics, as someone once said, is showbusiness for ugly people. A note to the candidates: Your (potential) constituents can read, so give us a word or two. Or maybe even a policy position.

5th May 2009

New wallet.

4th May 2009

This election leaflet was put through my letterbox today from a candidate for the local elections here in Dublin.

I'm not an expert in political communications or election strategy (actually, I am) but a few things struck me about this flyer. Firstly, it's very thin. Lots of white space with the text spaced out. Nowhere does Cllr. Donnelly actually say what his policies are or what he has achieved in public office. Ok, so he's good at getting onto committees, but what have his committees achieved? What is he going to do if he gets re-elected? Join more committees?

Secondly, I've never seen someone campaign for public office on the basis of his brother's acting career. Maybe this is a new strategic form of political electioneering. After all, last November Barack Obama was elected on the basis of his brother's career, and his ability to be, like, really, really good on committees. That said, Obama never played for Synge Street GAA Club.

Yes, we can, Irish style.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

3rd May 2009

They drained the canal at the weekend and this rather lonely looking thing was looking rather annoyed. Which, in fairness, you would if someone had some along and decided to empty your fridge.

2nd May 2009

This film crew were out on Camden Street. From what I saw, filming seems to be a lot like war - brief periods of action followed by large amounts of time standing around doing very little.

1st May 2009

My conference speech made the press.

30th April 2009

29th April 2009

Andrew getting into the photography habit.

28th April 2009

Swedish bottle opener which I received from a group of visiting architects.