Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
17th July 2009

Note the empty coffee pot and "Seconds From Disaster" on the TV.
"Seconds from Disaster" is, of course, the best programm on TV. The premise is a very simple one. Each episode shows a disaster (in this case a plane crash) and charts what caused the disaster, second by second. They're usually plane crashes, and this episode is showing the Paris Concorde disaster.
It's addictive but terrifying television.
13th July 2009
8th July 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
5th July 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
3rd July 2009
I've been reading Alain de Botton's The Pleasure and Sorrows of Work recently. In it, de Botton visits people in their place of work - accountants, biscuit manufacturers, rocket scientists, painters and so on - and watches what they do for a living. One of his conclusions is that people of all grades and in all industries take their work more seriously than the job would suggest. Even though we don't really think about how important the output of their work might be (compared to a brain surgeon, doctor or fireman), to someone what we ignore, is their work and the focus of their day.
De Botton takes, for example, biscuit wrappers. A team of people are employed to make the best possible biscuit wrapper - they make decisions on material, colour, font, logo, number of biscuits contained therein, based on lots of research and design. They know that a good wrapper will help sell more biscuits than a bad wrapper and so de Botton says that every thing we buy and use has been made by groups of specialists whose job depended on designing, making and producing even the tiniest part of the finished product. Packets of biscuits don't look like that by accident. They appear by design.
It always reminds me of the smiley face on my electric toothbrush. According to OralB, you're supposed to brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Once you reach the two minute mark, the toothbrush vibrates and a little smiley face appears on the screen.
It's a nice touch and totally un-necessary. It would have been perfectly logical for the clock simply to register two minutes and no more. But thinking about what de Botton learned, it's feasible to think that a team of people in the OralB HQ must have made a pitch to the toothbrush manufacturing committee to add the smiley face to the display. Maybe they even did some research to analyse the cost-benefit analysis of adding the smiley face (as opposed to another picture, or no picture at all). They will have drafted in some outside consultants to make recommendations on the best picture - a smiley face is, after all, logical for a toothbrush. A smiley face is also text shorthand for happiness. Software engineers would have analysed the cost of adding something to the screen and sat down to design how to make it work. The pitch of the smile, the thickness of the eyes - all deliberate business decisions.
I've no idea who did all that work, but I'm pleased they did. More products should have little smiley faces on them. So, this week, I'm going to try to find nice pieces of design as a way of thanking all those anonymous, hardworking people.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
2nd July 2009
Taken at about 11pm, in Donnybrook.
Sharp-eyed readers might be thinking to themselves: "Hey, I remember looking at a photograph of those lamps outside the Hampton Hotel, Donnybrook, way back on the 13th of February. What's this guy playing at? Is he that unimaginative that he has to take photos of the same lamps? And where is this hotel? I wonder if they're paying him a fee for taking so many photos of their hotel. I think they should. He's obviously an amazing photographer (and possibly devilishly handsome) and the hotel looks like it offers excellent accommodation and an extensive menu at low, low prices."
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
30th June 2009
25th June 2009
21st June 2009
19th June 2009

This isn't a very good photo - taken using my mobile phone rather than the camera, but this shelf is mostly travel and politics books. I'm not sure what Kenneth Williams is doing there. Neither his travel adventures nor his politics were particularly wholesome.
A few books along is a joint biography of Scott and Admunsen. I wonder what they would think of sitting alongside Kenneth Williams on a bookshelf.
18th June 2009

I've no memory of taking this one and for ages I've been trying to work out what it is.
It was only when I was getting dressed for work this morning that I realised it's a close-up of a tie. I must have had the camera the wrong way when I tried to take the photo. I'm assuming it was in the pub.
Still, it came out OK. I wonder what I was trying to take the photo of.
Monday, June 22, 2009
14th June 2009

The Dodder River. This is one of my regular running routes. After running along a fairly major roads, I follow a path which twists between two trees and this is where I emerge. It's always absolutely silent, even with the rush-hour traffic.
Obviously when I'm running, I never have my camera with me, so I trecked out especially on Sunday afternoon to take this snap.
Friday, June 19, 2009
13th June 2009
We've had some brilliant sunsets recently, and I snapped this expecting I'd need to do some fiddling with the colours, but it works quite nicely as it is.
I have the large version as the desktop on my work PC. Very soothing, don't you know?
OK, I'm now nearly up to date.
If anyone wants to be a guest contributor at any time, do send me a photo and I'll upload it. This photo-a-day lark is harder than I expected, so feel free to send me a photo, and I'll add it.